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Version: 3.11.0



The core.files object provides access to methods related to the files contained in the /mocks folder. You can use this API to force a reload of the files contents, or to get the content of any file in that folder, for example.


Use only the API methods described in this docs. Use other methods under your own risk, and take into account that they may change in minor versions without considering it as a breaking change.



core.files.reload(): Force a reload of all files in the /mocks folder, where usually the routes and collections are defined. It returns a Promise, resolved whenever all file contents are processed by the registered fileLoaders (Read createLoader for further info). Possible errors reading or processing files are handled internally, so the Promise will be never rejected.

await core.files.reload();


core.files.stop(): Stop the files watch. It has no effect if the option files.enabled is false.

// Now changes in the `/mocks` folder will be ignored


core.files.start(): Start the files watch. It has no effect if the option files.enabled is false.

// Now changes in the `/mocks` folder will produce a reload


core.files.createLoader(fileLoaderOptions): Allows to get contents of files in the /mocks folder. The method returns a loader object (read loaders for further info).

  • fileLoaderOptions <Object> : Object containing next options:
    • id <String>: ID for the new loader. It is used afterwards in traces, and it can also be used to access to the loader object through the files.loaders getter.
    • src <String> or <Array> of <Strings> : Globbing pattern/s matching the file paths to be read. The pattern should be relative to the /mocks folder, and it should omit the file extension, because it is added afterwards based on the Mocks Server supported file types.
    • onLoad(filesContents, filesErrors, coreTools) - <Function> Function that will be executed whenever any file matching the src pattern changes. If it returns a Promise, the files.reload method will wait for it to have finished before resolving its own returned promise. It receives next arguments:
      • filesContents <Array> of {path, content} - Array of objects with path and content properties containing the content of each file. The contents are already parsed when the file is of type YAML or JSON, and, about Javascript files, its default export is received as content.
      • filesErrors <Array> of {path, error} - Array of objects with path and error properties containing errors produced when reading or parsing files.
      • coreTools <Object> - Object containing next core tools:
        • alerts - Namespaced alerts API created explicitly for this loader. Read the alerts API docs for further info.
        • logger - Namespaced logger API created explicitly for this loader. Read the logger API docs for further info.

Next example shows how to create a files loader to load routes defined in any file the custom-routes folder:

// Create a routes loader using the mock API
const { loadRoutes } = core.mock.createLoaders();

const loader = core.files.createLoader({
id: "custom-routes", // loader ID
src: `custom-routes/**/*`, // Globule pattern matching any file in the `/mocks/custom-routes` folder and subfolders
onLoad: (filesContents, _errors, { logger }) => {
// Get the property `content` of every filesContents, and create a flat array with all contents.
const routes = filesContents
.map((fileDetails) => {
return fileDetails.content;

// Load routes

// Use the loader logger to trace
logger.verbose(`Loaded routes from folder "${core.files.path}/custom-routes"`);


core.files.path: Returns the current absolute path of the files folder, usually /mocks until it is changed using the files.path option.

// -> `/~/projects/foo-project/mocks`


core.files.loaders: Returns an object containing all currently registered loaders created with the createLoader method. Object keys correspond with loaders IDs, and each loader contains next properties:

  • id - Loader's ID
  • src - Globbing pattern/s matching the file paths read by this loader
  • logger - Loader's namespaced logger API
  • alerts - Loader's namespaced alerts API
const loaders = core.files.loaders;

Object.keys(loaders).forEach((loaderID) => {
console.log(`Found files loader with ID '${loaderID}'`);